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When I launched the first Perilous and Sparks novel Les Stone Cold Killers, I wanted to promote it in a unique way. Also, I didn’t have a lot of money to spend. (Some things never change.) I came up with the idea of buying vintage postcards on the cheap from eBay and stamping them with the Perilous and Sparks logo and URL.

An Innocent Postcard planted by an agent of Eris in Manchester, U.K.

I sent these re-purposed posts to friends afar who were willing to make my mission their mission. Some of the first recruits were old friends in the States while others were pals abroad I’d only recently found via Instagram. As of today, nearly all of the postcards from France have been planted in odd locales around the globe from Manchester to Michigan. Have you found one?

An Innocent Postcard planted by an agent in Detroit, Michigan.

If not, it’s not too late. Look around. Who knows where these messages may have found themselves?

It’s also not too late to become an agent of Eris and join in the guerrilla marketing campaign. A new batch of vintage postcards – this time from Asia in anticipation of the second novel The Kowloon Jukebox, forthcoming in 2019 – have arrived, and I’ll be preparing them for delivery over the next few weeks. I’ve come up with a few new ideas for sharing the postcards that I think will make the project even more rewarding for everyone involved. More on that later.

In the meantime, message me at autumn@perilousandsparks.com if you’d like to join in on the fun!

Get acquainted with daring lady sailors

Recently, I had the great honor of being among the first featured sailors on Charlotte Kaufman’s new site Women Who Sail. Women Who Sail was first launched as a Facebook Group where women and non-binary sailors could come together as a community to swap salty stories, ask and answer questions, and brew enthusiasm while supporting one another in a traditionally male-dominated lifestyle. Today, the group has grown to more than 15,000 members with regional sub-groups with thousands more members.

Sail over to the group’s new online anchorage to check out all of the adventurous sailors showcased. Then, go visit Charlotte’s website to learn about her harrowing escapade aboard her sailboat the Rebel Heart and consider supporting her soulful writing at Patreon. She is truly a force to be reckoned with.



2018-11-08T16:50:49-06:00By |Categories: NEWS.|Tags: |1 Comment

Listen to The Kowloon Jukebox playlist

When it comes to writing, I need complete silence, but 80% of a novel is brainstorming. For that, I need music. Each Perilous and Sparks novel gets its own playlist on Spotify to help me get in the mood to write. I choose songs that sound – to me – like the time or the place or songs that capture some theme or plot line. In fact, each playlist offers a few clues about the way the story will unfold.

I’ve put the final touches on The Kowloon Jukebox playlist since I’m wrapping up revisions now. I hope you enjoy it!


2018-07-19T21:12:06-05:00By |Categories: NEWS.|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Get your copy of LSCK

It’s for real! You can now purchase Les Stone Cold Killers from Amazon.com while you’re picking up your lock pick set and dark sunglasses!

And don’t forget: if you want to help me celebrate, the book release party is going to be Saturday, April 21 from 3:30 until 5:00 at Slim Goodies in New Orleans! I’ll be giving out prizes for the grooviest 60s attire and for the most intriguing international woman of mystery, and you’ll have an opportunity to test drive my Secret Agency workshop, too! It’s gonna be fun, ladies, and I hope to see you there!

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