Agent A. Ware writes inflammatory international adventures about teen wunderkinds Perilous Faretheewell and Madero ‘Sparks’ Spartakanova. Among other things.

Agent A. Ware writes inflammatory international adventures about teen wunderkinds Perilous Faretheewell and Madero ‘Sparks’ Spartakanova while voyaging around the world on an old sailboat with her family. Among other things.

“…her descriptions of France will make you want to book your next holiday there…”


First and foremost, the Perilous and Sparks series is written for my pleasure. I enjoy writing novels even more than reading them. It’s fun to create a whole world and watch the people in it evolve.

I want to share the fun I have with adventurous girls and with women who refuse to act their age (as well as any fellas who can handle independent, intelligent, practically perfect lady types). I’m keeping each book short enough for the average reader to enjoy in a single day of intense relaxing and daydreaming, preferably on the beach or in a bathtub.

Like Perilous and Sparks, I’m a propagandist with a penchant for trouble-making and a tendency towards anarchism. I enjoy writing and drawing, and I love to travel and indulge in good food.

I’m a professional writer with experience in marketing, web design, and PR. I didn’t see why I shouldn’t skip the traditional publishing gambit and take advantage of modern technology to maintain complete control over my vision. In short, I prefer to sidestep gatekeepers and storm the gates.

Les Stone Cold Killers was inspired by the 1967 YA novel X Marks the Spy, the first in a series about a young spy named Christopher Cool. I discovered a battered copy of the book in a thrift store in Tennessee and fell in love with the kitschy concept of teen agents.

I couldn’t entirely get down with the idea of a teenager teaming up with the CIA though. The idea seems dubious to me, given the blessedly rebellious nature of most young people, so I invented The Eris Agency, an anarchic group of general trouble-makers. That felt more right for me and for the girls.

I’m also not a fan of the hero/sidekick narrative device. I prefer parallel protagonists who work together as equals with unique abilities and knowledge, so I abandoned the old Lone Ranger and Tonto trope that Jim Lawrence, the ghostwriter responsible for Christopher Cool, relied on in favor of something more modern and collaborative.

I’m inspired by the style of vintage novelists like Zora Neale Hurston, Mary Stewart, and Helen MacInnes, who created stories that are full of adventure, travel, and intrigue. Perilous and Sparks would make fast friends with the daring heroines who populated their pages.

The paranoid, occult adventures of Robert Anton Wilson, Tom Robbins, and Kurt Vonnegut are probably also knocking around in there somewhere.

The Perilous and Sparks series will have at least seven novels, one set on each continent, unless a secret society knocks me off before I’m done. Two to Tangier, the third novel in the series, begins in Kathmandu and takes the girls along the renowned Hippie Trail all the way to Africa in search of an ancient artifact that’s pitted occult charlatans against one another. Two to Tangier will be released in 2020.


First and foremost, the Perilous and Sparks series is written for my pleasure. I enjoy writing novels even more than reading them. It’s fun to create a whole world and watch the people in it evolve.

I want to share the fun I have with adventurous girls and with women who refuse to act their age (as well as any fellas who can handle independent, intelligent, practically perfect lady types). I’m keeping each book short enough for the average reader to enjoy in a single day of intense relaxing and daydreaming, preferably on the beach or in a bathtub.

Like Perilous and Sparks, I’m a propagandist with a penchant for trouble-making and a tendency towards anarchism. I enjoy writing and drawing, and I love to travel and indulge in good food.

I’m a professional writer with experience in marketing, web design, and PR. I didn’t see why I shouldn’t skip the traditional publishing gambit and take advantage of modern technology to maintain complete control over my vision. In short, I prefer to sidestep gatekeepers and storm the gates.

Les Stone Cold Killers was inspired by the 1967 YA novel X Marks the Spy, the first in a series about a young spy named Christopher Cool. I discovered a battered copy of the book in a thrift store in Tennessee and fell in love with the kitschy concept of teen agents.

I couldn’t entirely get down with the idea of a teenager teaming up with the CIA though. The idea seems dubious to me, given the blessedly rebellious nature of most young people, so I invented The Eris Agency, an anarchic group of general trouble-makers. That felt more right for me and for the girls.

I’m also not a fan of the hero/sidekick narrative device. I prefer parallel protagonists who work together as equals with unique abilities and knowledge, so I abandoned the old Lone Ranger and Tonto trope that Jim Lawrence, the ghostwriter responsible for Christopher Cool, relied on in favor of something more modern and collaborative.

I’m inspired by the style of vintage novelists like Zora Neale Hurston, Mary Stewart, and Helen MacInnes, who created stories that are full of adventure, travel, and intrigue. Perilous and Sparks would make fast friends with the daring heroines who populated their pages.

The paranoid, occult adventures of Robert Anton Wilson, Tom Robbins, and Kurt Vonnegut are probably also knocking around in there somewhere.

The Perilous and Sparks series will have at least seven novels, one set on each continent, unless a secret society knocks me off before I’m done. Two to Tangier, the third novel in the series, begins in Kathmandu and takes the girls along the renowned Hippie Trail all the way to Africa in search of an ancient artifact that’s pitted occult charlatans against one another. Two to Tangier will be released in 2024.

“Fun, quirky characters…”



      “Turns the typical spy novel trope right on its head.”